The World is Getting Warmer, Why

 Extreme Heat in the World in the last few decades: 

April is over and a week of May has also passed and with this the heat has started showing its ferocious form. The whole of India and world also has to face extreme heat at this time. The surprising thing is that not only Asian countries but also Western countries and even Antarctica located in the Southern Hemisphere are being affected by this scorching heat. For the first time, Antarctica, which has always been covered with snow and glaciers, is experiencing such extreme heat that even the animals living in this cold region are getting scorched by the sun's ultraviolet rays. In such a situation, everyone is worried and wondering how and why it is so hot? This is what we are talking about here.

Is rising heat a sign of destruction? 

Scientists are considering the extreme heat around the world as a sign of destruction. Experts on weather activities say that the heat wave, which geographically affects a large part of India, occurs once in 100 years. But apart from human India, it is now affecting many countries of the world, even cold countries are experiencing extreme heat. Due to climate change, the probability of this heat increase has increased by 30 times. That is why this time severe heat has been recorded only in March and April. 

Why is the sun so hot this year?

You may also be feeling that the sun is burning more than before. As early as 7-8 in the morning it seems that the sun is harsh and scorching at 12 noon. However, it is not as we understand, the sun was burning the same way then and is burning the same way even now. The ozone layer that protects us has become thin and that is due to global warming. In fact, when fossil fuels are burned, carbon pollution remains in the atmosphere, acting like a blanket and trapping heat. Today, there is so much carbon pollution in the atmosphere that it is causing changes in weather and increasing heat. 

Scientists who monitor climate change say that more than 99% of scientists agree that the main cause of climate change is pollution and carbon emissions caused by humans and unless we eliminate pollution, Till then the heat will increase further. If we take steps to reduce our carbon pollution, we can save our children from this catastrophe. 

What needs to be done to reduce the heat

To avoid this heat, the biggest focus is on carbon emissions. Because these are the biggest reasons for increasing heat. This is also becoming a major cause of climate change. To deal with this crisis of global warming, big countries have big plans which are included in the Paris Climate Agreement 2015. The Paris Agreement is based on limiting the amount of greenhouse gases emitted. Although it has been 10 years since this agreement was signed, till now no country has done any significant work on it. 

The world is getting warmer:

Our climate is changing in many ways. One of the clearest signs is that the world is warming. Scientists know this through evidence collected from satellites, weather balloons, thermometers, weather stations, and more. 1 Since 1880, the average global temperature has increased by about 1 °C (1.7 °F). Global temperatures are projected to rise by about 1.5 °C (2.7 °F) by 2050 and 2–4 °C (3.6–7.2 °F) by 2100. 2

According to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) [exit DNR], average annual global temperatures have increased steadily since the 1960s. Figure 1 shows the deviation from the average global temperature shown as a horizontal line at 0.00 °C. Each blue bar is a year that was cooler than the average temperature for the 20th century. Red bars are years that were warmer than the average temperature for the 20th century. Nineteen of the 20 warmest years have occurred since 2001. It is likely that the coldest year ahead will be warmer than the warmest year we have experienced in the 20th century.

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