Prince Of Iran With Israel: What are the people of Iran thinking?

Prince of Iran with Israel: Despite Iran firing 180 missiles at Israel's capital, Israel not retaliating is giving rise to many fears. One view is that Israel wants to launch such an attack that Iran's back will be completely broken.

The second point of view is that even aggressive action against terrorist organizations like Hamas, Hezbollah and Houthi is fine, but Iran is a big country. Due to the attack against it, many big Islamic countries including Russia and China can also stand with Iran. This would be very costly for Israel. In such a situation, despite America's help, Israel's existence may be in danger.

Here, Iran's exiled prince Mohammad Reza Pahlavi has given such a statement that the world community is shocked. There is earthquake inside Iran also. Diplomatic pundits around the world have been forced to wonder whether this is the secret behind Israel's delay in retaliating. Apart from the Israeli attack, the rulers of Iran are also worried about this new threat. If America and Israel are really cooking such a mess, then the danger is greater than an Israeli attack. The current rulers of Iran are not unaware of Israel's intelligence power inside their country. We are also aware of the popularity of the exiled prince of Iran within the country.

Prince Of Iran With Israel: What has the Prince said against Iran?

Iran's exiled prince Reza Shah Pahlavi said in an interview with Fox News that the end of Islamic rule in Iran will end many evils from the world. He said that the people of Iran want the end of Islamic rule. Governance as a nation state is very important for a developed Iran. He said that with the change in Iran's regime, many global problems will also end. This could also end the nuclear threat to humanity. He also called on the people of Iran for the end of the regime there.

The exiled prince of Iran has appealed to Israel and Western countries to help the people of Iran in ending Islamic rule in Iran. He described friendship with Israel as necessary for the prosperity of the people of Iran. Pahlavi has appealed to carry forward the message of liberation of Jews on behalf of Cyrus, the greatest ruler in the history of Iran. In April 2023 also, Pahlavi had visited Israel to convey the message of friendship on behalf of the people of Iran. There he prayed for the friendship between Israel and Iran in a public meeting near the Western Wall.

Prince of iran with israel: Will the exiled prince of Iran stage a coup? why tehran 18 in shock

Prince Of Iran With Israel: What are the people of Iran thinking?

Iran's supreme ruler Ayatollah Khamenei has repeatedly vowed the destruction of Israel. In such a situation, the former royal family of Iran calling for a coup in Iran and appealing for support for Israel has fallen like a hammer on the hearts of the Islamic rulers. From the ruling class of Iran to the people outside Iran, they know that even after the Islamic Revolution of 1979, when the royal family was expelled from Iran and the establishment of Islamic rule, a large section of the public still sympathizes with the royal family.

The rulers of Iran also know that opposition against them is increasing among the public. Every year some protest or the other takes place. In such a situation, Pahlavi's call for change of power could definitely be a big conspiracy of western powers. Let it be known that the then ruler of Iran Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi wanted to make Iran a modern country. He was also a supporter of pre-Islamic civilization in Iran. There was opposition to this from Muslim religious leaders. This protest increased and about 2 million people gathered in Tehran for demonstration. Ultimately the Shah had to leave the country and Islamic rule was established under the leadership of Ayatollah Khomeini

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