Does everyone know how to drink alcohol properly

The number of people drinking liquor in the world has reached crores and billions. And this process has not stopped yet. The number of drinkers is increasing. Actually, alcohol has become a part of people's lifestyle.

Liquor comes in many types. Whiskey, rum, vodka, tequila and what not. Those who drink are also in lakhs and crores.

But does everyone know how to drink alcohol properly? 

Probably not. More than 90 percent of the people who drink alcohol do not know how to drink the alcohol they are drinking. That is, what is the right way to drink alcohol? You must have seen that most of the people who drink alcohol in India mix cold drinks, water and soda in it. But is this right? Especially when we're talking whiskey.

Whiskey is on top among the most sold liquor in India. But perhaps only a few percent of people will know the correct way to drink it. Actually, experts say that whiskey should never be drunk with cold drinks, soda or water. It should always be drunk neat. Now you might be thinking that if you drink NEET, it will harm the body. No, if you drink it properly, it will cause only the same harm to the body as it does if you drink water or the essence of a cold drink.

Now let us come to the correct way of drinking. 

Actually, whiskey is such a liquor that one has to take time to drink it. That means, if you have made a 30 ml peg and are drinking it neat, then take at least 30 minutes to finish it. That means you have to drink this peg by sipping it, like you drink hot tea. So from today onwards, whenever you drink whiskey, drink it neat, but drink it with caution.

Why cold drinks should not be mixed with alcohol?

Experts say that if you mix cold drink in alcohol and drink it, you get intoxicated immediately. However, it is harmful for your health. Actually, when you drink alcohol and cold drinks together, it causes dehydration in your body. And the second thing is that by mixing cold drink in alcohol, the quantity of alcohol is not estimated and because of this you end up drinking more alcohol. Sometimes due to this the risk of heart attack and stroke also increases.

Drinking alcohol on an empty stomach:

Drinking alcohol on an empty stomach increases the effect of alcohol. Due to lack of food in the stomach, the absorption rate increases, which intensifies the alcoholic effect. This suggests that people who consume alcohol without eating beforehand often experience its effects more intensely and become intoxicated faster.

Drinking more than the limit-

Eating before drinking alcohol can make a big difference in the experience. Food acts as a protective barrier, slowing the absorption of alcohol in the small intestine. By delaying the absorption process, food intake effectively reduces the rapid rise of alcohol in the blood flow. This means that if you eat before drinking alcohol, you can enjoy the effects of your alcoholic beverage for a longer period of time.

Experts gave opinion-

Experts believe that if you mix alcohol with cold drinks and drink it, you get intoxicated immediately. However, it is harmful for your health. Actually, when you drink alcohol and cold drink together, it causes dehydration in your body and secondly, by mixing cold drink in alcohol, the quantity of alcohol is not estimated properly and due to this you become dehydrated. Drink more alcohol. Sometimes due to this the risk of heart attack and stroke increases.

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