What is Black Hole. Why we cant see it?

 It was first imagined in 1784 by an astronomer named John Mitchell. He told that when the mass of a star becomes 500 times the mass of the Sun, then it will also absorb light. They referred to it as the black star.

In 1905, scientist Albert Einstein presented his Theory of Special Relativity. In which he told that the movement of an object also affects time. That is, the greater the speed of an object, the slower time will become for it. He named it time dilation.

After this, in 1916 he presented his Theory of General Relativity. In this he told that gravity also affects time. Not only time but also light and sound affect everything.

With this, he imagined a body whose gravity would be so high that it  would even absorb light. And it will not be visible at all his led to the concept of black holes. Later, many scientists provided theoretical evidence for their existence through mathematical calculations. But till now the black hole was proved only theoretically. Scientists did not completely agree about its existence. By the 1970s, scientists accepted that black holes existed.

After all, how are black holes formed?

Black holes are formed from stars, but how? So let me tell you that nuclear reactions keep going on inside a star, due to which the star keeps giving light. But one day when the star runs out of all its fuel, the star explodes with a supernova explosion and a black hole is formed. Whose gravity is very high. It pulls every object nearby into itself and its gravity keeps increasing.

There is a region inside a black hole called the event horizon. This is such a part of the black hole that if anything goes further into it, it cannot come out of it. It remains trapped in the gravity of the black hole.

Let me now tell you some interesting things related to this.

We cant see a Black Hole :

After all, why is it that we cannot see the black hole? The reason for this is very simple. You must have read a general principle in science. That we are able to see an object only when the light hitting it reaches our eyes. But the gravity of the black hole is so high that it does not even allow light to come back. Due to which we cannot see from it.

Then the question must have arisen in your mind that if we cannot see the black hole then how did we come to know about it?

We come to know about it by looking at the activity of stars and planets nearby. Due to its immense gravity it affects everything around you. Apart from this, the speed of the things rotating around the black hole becomes so high that their temperature reaches several crores of degrees. Due to which electro magnetic rays start emanating from them. Which is X-ray.

NASA also released a picture of the black hole in April 2019, which was also captured by the X-ray telescope. We cannot see X-ray radiation with our eyes.

Time slows down near a black hole.

As I read earlier, the gravity of a black hole is so high that it does not even allow light. According to Einstein's theory, gravity also affects time. Therefore, if a person is near a black hole, there will be a huge difference between his time and Earth's time. We can also call this time travel.

There is a black hole at the center of almost every galaxy. Our galaxy Milky Way also has a massive black hole named Sagittarius A.

Black hole is so mysterious that we don't know much about it yet. But maybe in future science will reveal its secrets.

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